Thursday, January 27, 2011

Mi Cumple!!

Well today is my Birthday!! Sweet old 18. Yea. Next year today I'll be turning 19 in France! How exciting!
This past Sunday the district chairman of Normandy e-mailed me!! He introduced himself and all that jazz, and at one point in the e-mail he said he "knows the identity of my first host family", but he didn't tell me... He said he'll let my host counselor tell me. So this means I should be getting an emial from my host counselor too ?? Not too sure.

His E-mail

Welcome to Rotary Youth Exchange Normandy, and congratulations on being accepted for this wonderful opportunity. I know you must be excited and nervous about your upcoming year in FRANCE , and anxious to know where you will be, who you will be hosted by, and everything else about your exchange. So let me provide you with some information.
 My name is Jean-Ronny HUART , and I am the Chairman of Rotary Youth Exchange Normandy.
 I 'll inform you in the beginning of April about your host club

At this time , I will be able to tell you the identity of your first host family (or your host councellor will do it ). I know you will want to start communicating with them as soon as possible, and they will be anxious to hear from you as well
It is obvious that communication is the key to a successful exchange, so the better your knowledge of French when you arrive, the more successful you are likely to be. Spend whatever time you can, between now and your departure, learning and practicing as much of our language as possible. It will help you greatly from the moment you arrive.
Please , note that we authorize laptops only with moderate use during your exchange .
 If you have any questions, I would encourage you to ask me .

You are about to embark on a wonderful journey, an adventure of a lifetime, and we are happy to be part of that. I look forward to meeting you soon after your arrival and officially welcoming you !

With that said, Je suis vraiment enthousiasmé, Ouiii!!!!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Where to..... :D

Readers, today was the day I discovered the long awaiting District number. I will be placed in district 1640, or also know as Normandy ! :DDDDD I'm really happy that I have a better knowledge of where I'm going, and I can research some more on this historic area of France. I can't wait to meet others that are also going to be exchange students, those are the people you can relate more to at the moment.

Where I'm headed to :)

Now, some nice photos of Normandy

Emarld Cliffs

Mont St. Michel


Thursday, January 6, 2011

You Should Be There!

According to the president of my YE district. My application should be safe and sound in France tomorrow (Friday)!!

I hope I hear what district I'll be placed in really really soon. :DD Yay!

Happy Hippo (German Chocolate)

Monday, January 3, 2011

2011... This means things should move faster

Yea, I sure do hope things move a whole lot faster than 2010. So far I finished my application in Dec., turned in all 5 copies of it, and the French people involved with my exchange want 2 copies of it. So, I'll be waiting for my RYE president to send them over. After that, I'll hopefully have my district number :DDD !!!
How exciting! Yes indeed. I'll most likely be placed in the north of France, either districts 1650, 1640, or 1520. I think, I could be entirely wrong though. We'll see.

Districts in France

I start school tomorrow :p

P.S. I now have a German sister living with me :)

Me and my German sister :))